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Eave Vent and Smart Vents for Roofing

Eave vent installation Seattle

Why Roofs Need Ventilation

There are lots of different types of venting in a roof. The bottom line is that each attic cavity needs to have an intake and outtake of air. Another way to say it might be that hot air and moisture needs to rise or be pushed out the highest point in each attic space.

Poor ventilation or a complete lack of ventilation can cause a number of problems, including:

  • Soaring attic temperatures in the summer that can heat up your home
  • Increased cooling bills as your AC fights to combat your super-heated attic
  • The formation of ice dams during the winter, which can cause leaks
  • Shorter lifespan for shingles and roofing materials
  • Condensation build-up leading to the formation of mold and mildew

Typically, air enters into the soffits and out the ridge vent. That is the easiest way to ventilate a roof.

Soffit Venting for an attic space Custom Flashing Piece on ridgevent

Some homes don’t have overhangs or soffits, so different techniques need to be used. One common thing we do at Pro Roofing is install eave vents. Some people also call them smart vents.

What are Eave Vents?

Ease vents, or smart vents, allow air to enter the roof from under a row of shingles. They can also be used on the top of structures as outtake vents almost like a ridge vent would work, but in applications where there is no ridge. Here's an example:

Eave vent with a black Duration roof Eave vent installed with Owens Corning Roofing Shingle

Roof-to-wall venting is also a strategy for outtake venting where no ridge is present.

If you have any questions about your Seattle-area roof, we're always available to answer them. Contact Pro Roofing NW online or give us a call at (888) 599-8591.

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