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Prepare Your Roof for Winter

prepare your roof for winter

Old Man Winter will soon be headed to town. Before the icy weather arrives, be sure to prepare your roof. Cleaning your gutters is only one of the many tasks you can do to make sure your roof is ready for ice and snow. A little extra maintenance now will help you to save a lot of money later on. Keep reading to learn how you can best prepare your roof for cooler weather.


Check Flashing

Be sure to have your roof flashing professionally inspected during the fall. It’s designed to direct water away from your roof. If the flashing isn’t completely sealed, leaks are far more likely to occur.

Inspect Roof Valleys

Over time, a lot of debris can accumulate in the valleys of your roof. Cleaning these areas will help prevent attic leaks. Don’t underestimate the problems that can develop from leaves and twigs being forgotten. Leaves that are allowed to collect in your roof valleys soak up a lot of water. This moisture buildup creates heavier areas that could eventually cause the underlying wood to rot.

Examine Roof Shingles

If you want to extend the life of your roof, recognize the importance of examining the shingles. When cleaning out your gutters, check for loose granules and balding shingles—this could indicate you need to replace your roof.

During the summer, a powerful storm or high winds can easily knock loose a few shingles. Replacing battered and missing shingles is especially important. They help protect your roof from the impact of snow and ice.

Properly Insulate the Attic

When the outdoor temperatures start to drop, the effectiveness of your heating system is especially important. A poorly insulated attic will certainly make it harder to keep your home warm. This often leads to a more expensive electrical bill. The escaping heat can also cause ice dams, which will gradually damage your roof.

Trim Back Tree Branches

Make it a priority to trim the tree branches over your roof. Heavy snow and ice can cause these branches to break off, which could lead to impact damage on your roof, plus other issues. The cost to repair the damage could be more expensive than you think.


Contact our team at Pro Roofing for your roof inspection or replacement needs!

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